SMC votes in newSBP-SBVP
ثبت نشده
Ken Ricci w ill be the next Student Union d irector, it was announced last n ight by Student Union D irector Tom B irsic and Student Body president-elect M ike Gassman. Ricci assumes his new duties A p ril 1. The sophomore accounting in tent is from Cleveland, Ohio and served as assistant com ptro lle r th is year. He was the financia l troub le shooter and developed a budget to keep Student Union expenses down.
منابع مشابه
Simulation Performance of MMSE Iterative Equalization with Soft Boolean Value Propagation
The performance of MMSE Iterative Equalization based on MAP-SBVP and COD-MAP algorithms (for generating extrinsic information) are compared for fading and non-fading communication channels employing serial concatenated convolution codes. MAP-SBVP is a convolution decoder using a conventional softMAP decoder followed by a soft-convolution encoder using the soft-boolean value propagation (SBVP). ...
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In an elec tion w hich brough o u t 67% o f the SMC S tuden t B ody, Ann Marie T racey yeste r day becam e the first sophom ore to cap tu re the office o f S tuden t Body President. T racey defeated her op p o n en t by 211 votes receiving 441 votes to Ju n io r Carol C usick’s 230. T here were 103 absten tion votes registered in the SBP votes. Ju n io r K aren Schultz was elected to the seat ...
متن کاملClinical analysis of speculum-based vaginal packing for high-dose-rate intracavitary tandem and ovoid brachytherapy in cervical cancer
Purpose Intra-vaginal packing is used to fix the applicator and displace organs at risk (OAR) during high-dose-rate intracavitary tandem and ovoid brachytherapy (HDR-ICB). We retain the speculum from applicator placement as a dual-function bladder and rectum retractor during treatment. Our objective is to review salient techniques for OAR displacement, share our packing technique, and determine...
متن کاملAn Improved E-voting scheme using Secret Sharing based Secure Multi-party Computation
E-voting systems (EVS)are having potential advantages over many existing voting schemes. Security, transparency, accuracy and reliability are the major concern in these systems. EVS continues to grow as the technology advances. It is inexpensive and efficient as the resources become reusable. Fast and accurate computation of results with voter privacy is the added advantage. In the proposed sys...
متن کاملChoice : Mooney , Barkett ? Final endorsements given
by Jeanne Sweeney: SMC News Editor K athy Barlow and Missy U nderm an , tw o ju n io rs w ho ran th e ir cam paign in con junction w ith SBP and SBVP hopefu l D on M ooney and D an Sherry , easily w on elec tion to stu d en t o ffice at SMC in last F rid ay ’s voting. B a rlo w and U nderm an received th e m ajo rity o f th e 1 ,078 votes cast w ith a to ta l o f 541. T heir o p p o n en ts Jan...
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